God established Sabbath day during the first week of Earth creation/existence. In the beginning there were no Jews or another nation, just two humans Adam and Eve. Sabbath and Moral Law were for all humanity of all times, not for Jews only.
The Catholic church spread a lie about the true Sabbath (which is the 7th day of the week and not the 1st day of the week) for the last 2000 years teaching the people that Sunday is the Lord’s Day, Sabbath. The Catechism of RCC says: [II. The Lord’s Day] “We all gather on the day of the sun, for it is the first day [after the Jewish sabbath, but also the first day] when God, separating matter from darkness, made the world;”
Saturday is the Lord’s day, the true Sabbath and they know it. God patiently tolerated their lies for 2000 years. Through the prophetic books Daniel and Revelation He revealed the end of this abomination of desolation.
The reason why the USA has been in the focus for the last 180 years is the correct understanding of the ‘The Beast from the Earth’ symbol in Revelation 13.
The longest prophetic period (2300 years) in the Bible started with Medo-Persian emperors Cyrus/Artaxerxes decree in 457 B.C finished in 1844. From that year we are living in the ‘End Times’ before ‘Second Coming of Christ’. At that time knowledge about prophecies increased like it was described in the book of Daniel 12.
There are two main protagonists in Revelation 13, ‘The Beast from the Sea’ and ‘The Beast from the Earth’. The first beast is symbol for the old continent and papacy dynasty or RCC church. Papacy has got its power as a legacy from The Roman Empire’, they just continued the empire’s work in the name of the Christian faith. The second beast ‘The Beast from the Earth’ is a new power in the new place on the Earth, which is the USA. Prophecy says that The Beast from the Sea (RCC, Vatican, Papacy) has got a mortal wound and that has happened in history when “French troops commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the papal army and occupied the Papal States in 1796. In 1798, upon his refusal to renounce his temporal power, Pius was taken prisoner and transported to France. He died eighteen months later in Valence.” 1798 is a year of ending a 1260 years period described in book of Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 12:6-14. Since 1798 Papacy and RCC deadly wound have been healing. The deadly wound will be held and power and influence which the Papacy have had in the middle ages will be restored. Here is where the USA comes in the prophecy.
The Revelation explained that the USA will help RCC/Papacy to completely restore its medieval glory. The USA will make the whole world “bow” on their knees to RCC/Papacy authority. Can you imagine what influence and efforts RCC/Papacy did in the last 250 years to twist the Protestantism, morality and freedoms in the USA? It is no hard to understand who is the true master over education system, entertainment, the Congress, agencies, FED and army? Vatican hates Protestantism, liberties and constitutional rights.
If you understand the nature and aims of the RCC/Papacy you will understand the history in the past 250 years, especially USA history.
They want from you to worship God on Sunday day which is not true Sabbath/Saturday. Sunday, counterfeit sabbath is RCC authority and ‘The Mark Of The Beast’. ‘The National Sunday Law’ is coming, everyone who falls for this agenda will be lost for eternity. Pagan, sun worship day legislation and persecution of true Bible believers will bring God’s last 7 plagues on the Earth.
Catholic theology deny the most obvious prophecy in the Bible – Why?
The Great Controversy